Thursday, October 28, 2021

Blackened Shake and Bake Chicken, Roasted Broccoli and Potatoes with a Side Salad. 5 Points

  I had a little trouble figuring the point values for this dinner, so it's kind of an estimate.

  I cut up 3 chicken breasts into semi nugget shape since I wanted to try cooking them in the air fryer and I wanted to make sure they'd cook all the way. I marinated the chicken in pickle juice and ranch seasoning for about 4 hours. Then covered them in Shake and Bake seasoning that I added Kinder's Blackened Seasoning to. I air fried them at 400 for 5 minutes each side, and they were slightly dry so I could of done 8-9 minutes. According to the WW app, 1/8 a packet of Shake and Bake chicken is 1 point, so just to be safe I calculated each serving as 2 points.....but I could be totally wrong!

  I chopped up a head of broccoli and about 5 yellow potatoes, and when I put that in the recipe builder it came out to 3 points for the potatoes for 6 servings. I tossed the broccoli and potatoes in cooking spray, Kinder's Master Salt and some black pepper. I roasted them for about a half hour in a 400 degree oven.

 For the other sides we had a salad with Walden Farms Chipotle Ranch dressing.....which I won't be buying again. I like that it's 0 points, but it has almost a cola flavor to me, I think I'd rather spend a point or two on something that actually tastes good. But I don't want to waste it so we'll use up the bottle. I also chopped up some cherry tomatoes from my parents garden, but I forgot to take a pic of that. My son and husbands salad also had some leftover bacon crumbled in it. My son and I also had some cantaloupe because it's the best :)

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